Sunday, October 25, 2009

Where It Starts

Hello. This blog is dedicated to my experiences as a college freshman, and may end up containing my whole college experience. I am a Vocal Education major at the University of Idaho. For those of you who might be confused by that title, I will be learning how to teach people to sing.

In addition to school I work at a dry cleaners and as a house cleaner, and take care of my horse Dante. My days are full and I often wish for more then 24 hours in a day. But life is good.
I have decided that I don't like school, but I like my classes. Weird, I know. Basically my ideal school life would be taking three classes none of which started before 10am. But seeing as I am a music major who is determined to graduate in four years I need to take more then three classes. For those of you who don't know, music people keep ridiculous class hours. I know people who have lessons at 6:30am and then don't finish with classes till 6pm. Thankfully I only have two 8:30 classes and only three days that school goes till 5:30.

Knowing me, my posting will be spastic and random so don't expect any regularity with this blog ;)

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