Monday, October 26, 2009


It was raining all day on campus. I was walking from the music building to the Admin and everyone I passed was bundled up in coats and scarves and hats and other warm items. Nothing surprising there. Then, as I scanned peoples' faces, I noticed that 99% of the people were staring at the two feet of wet pavement in front of them. They didn't dare look elsewhere for fear of letting in a cold draft or stepping into a dread puddle. Over all, everyone looked miserable and terrified and acted as if the stream running down the street would carry them off if they so much as touched the moving water.

Why miss the glory in the rain? Yes it is cold and miserable when you have to walk in it all day, I know. But if you never take your eyes off the ground you will miss the dripping tree leaves. You will miss the shining roofs of the buildings and the clouds flying past in the wind. You might avoid every puddle in the world and still manage to soak your feet in the wet grass. Why not go for the puddle? Exercise that little bit of freedom now that Mom isn't there to scold you.

Let the drops fall on your face, open up to the chilly wind, stomp in a puddle, send a leaf raft down a sidewalk river, and then huddle up back inside your coat. You have tasted the glory.